Access Control Manager

Access Control Manager FAQ

Where is the access control system applicable?

Access Control Manager is universal - equally suitable for small private sites with 1-2 readers (eg residential entrances, houses) to complex corporate installations with thousands of readers and cards distributed in geographically separated locations
If expansion is necessary, this is done simply by adding the necessary amount of hardware

How the employee are authorized?

The system uses the popular and affordable RFID cards/tags, which are cheap and allow easy personalization. In addition to these, we also support special ways of identification

  • QR code from receipts (suitable for one-time access, for example, to sanitary facilities at gas stations)
  • RFID car stickers for automatic barrier opening
  • Face scanners for FaceID authentication
  • Access with a smartphone app

How many access cards can be used?

No limit - our system supports an unlimited number of cards/tags, and the same card can be used in different physical systems (including systems from other manufacturers). Each person can have any number of cards and each card can have its own access rights.

How are access rights set?

Access rights for each of the cards are set by the administrator according to various criteria - card access levels (readers the card has access to) and also time periods - days of the week with start/end access time or access based on start/end date. The setting options are flexible and detailed, for more information see the user manual.

I have business in different areas/cities. Can I manage access control centrally?

Absolutely. You can manage thousands of readers and users from just one web-based interface. The information required for the devices in each location is automatically synchronized via TCP/IP connection between our controllers.

How the system is installed and maintained

Access Control Manager is our own development. We have trained teams for installation, implementation, training and support. No technical skills are required of you.

Can i administer the system myself?

With ease! System settings and reports are controlled through a standard web browser, they do not require special software and are easy to manage. You can enter employees, cards and access tags, create access levels/zones and associate them to the corresponding cards. In addition, with large systems, you can delegate some of the activities to your regional managers, as their access rights to the administrative part can be particularly limited.

How are working hours calculated?

Using the input and output event information, you have detailed information about the working hours and delays for your employees with detailed filters by time periods, divided by job titles / branches / departments of the employees. Individual working hours are maintained for each employee.
The system supports tabular export (xls/ods/csv), as well as some special types for export such as Geocon and form 76.